Josh Kaufman, editor of the website http://www.personalmba.com/ compiled and posted his list of the 77 best business books which would, if they were all read, amount to the equivalent of a personal MBA. His list, which includes my book, can be found at http://personalmba.com/best-business-books/. The list was then mentioned again in an article in BusinessWeek.com -http://www.businessweek.com/bschools/content/apr2006/bs2006042_3490_bs001.htm.
Here is what Mr. Kaufman had to say about Finance for Non-Financial Managers:
If you're responsible for profit and loss in your business or organization, you need a business finance reference close at hand.
Finance for Non-Financial Managers is everything that a business finance reference text should be: clear, comprehensive, and easy to use. Using plain and simple English, Siciliano makes even the most obtuse financial concepts easy to understand and apply.
Most accounting and finance reference texts have a bad habit of being terminally boring. Fortunately, this book's snappy presentation of financial concepts will give you all the information you need quickly, without putting you to sleep in the process. Call-outs and sidebars add additional context to core subjects, giving you a broad understanding of how financial matters impact your company and teaching you "tricks of the trade" that can help you keep your company's financial situation under control.
With the help of Finance for Non-Financial Managers, you'll be prepared to understand any financial situation.
What more can I say? Available in paperback or e-book. Buy one.